Amazing Tricks to Keep Your Little Ones Hydrated All Day

1. Why Hydration is Essential for Your Kids?
2. How Much Water Intake Your Kids Need Daily?

Age Group 0-1 years: 4-8 ounces of fluoridated drinking water per day during meal times.

Age Group 1-3 years:4-8 ounces of fluoridated drinking water per day during meal times.

Age Group 4-6 years: 12-40 ounces of fluoridated drinking water per day.

Age Group 5-to 8-years: Should drink at least five glasses of water a day (or > 40 oz per day).

Age Group 9-to 12-years: Should drink at least seven glasses of water a day (or > 56 oz per day).

Age Group 13 and older:Should drink eight to 10 glasses a day (or > 64 oz per day).

3. Fun and Creative Hacks to encourage your kids to drink.
Drinking water is, of course, not the first thing that will pop up in your busy child’s mind. More often they become too stubborn, and it’s impossible to make them drink even a sip. Thus, these busy little humans need to be tricked to drink water and stay hydrated throughout their entire day. But how? Let’s see.

4. Adding Hydrating Food to your Child’s Diet
If your little one loves carrying around their soft animal toys and not a water bottle, then don’t worry. Hydration doesn’t come only from water but also from food! You can easily keep the kid hydrated by adding sliced cucumber on the toast, strawberries blended into smoothies, and watermelon frozen in popsicles. What about tomato sauce over the pizza? That’s hydrating too!

5.Some Bonus Tips for Atheltic Kids
Whether your champ is playing baseball or loves to take on a race at any time, hydration is a must. Hot and humid weather can often result in dehydration for your little athlete.
The symptoms of such illness can be
