Benefits of being hydrated
Being hydrated is more than just drinking water. It’s about a lifestyle that includes consistent water intake, healthy habits, activities, and the prevention of dehydration. The importance of being hydrated can be seen throughout the day.
You may notice you’re more energetic when your eyes don’t feel heavy and dark, your skin becomes less dry, or you have better control over your body temperature. Staying well-hydrated helps strengthen immunity against infections, improve digestion and elimination, balance blood pressure levels, and prevent chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.
Being hydrated can help you stay energized and feel healthier longer. But do you know the benefits of being hydrated? When you are well-hydrated, your body can better balance itself out.
What are the Big Benefits of Staying Hydrated?
As a human being, it is important to stay hydrated. Being hydrated will improve not only your health but also the quality of your life. Here are several reasons why you should be hydrated:

Improve Digestion
The human body comprises 60% water, so staying hydrated is important. The kidneys are responsible for removing excess fluids from the body, which helps to keep it healthy. Drinking water helps maintain a healthy digestive system by flushing out waste products from your body.

Maximises Physical Performance
Being dehydrated reduces energy levels and can lead to dizziness, headaches, and fatigue. If you’re training in the gym or playing sports, you must maintain that your body has enough water on board to perform at its best. Not only will it keep you hydrated but also it’ll help your muscles aren’t depleted during exercise sessions as well!

Improves Brain Function
All cells in your body need water to function properly. Water helps brain cells communicate with each other and absorb nutrients, which improves cognition and memory. Even though most Americans don’t drink enough water, this doesn’t mean that their brain function isn’t suffering.

Manage Weight Loss
Water helps with weight loss because it keeps you full longer and prevents you from eating more food than you need to maintain your current body weight. Drinking more water also helps flush out toxins from your system, which can also help with weight loss.
As you age, your metabolism slows down, which means that you tend to put on more weight over time than you did when you were younger. If you drink lots of water can help you lose weight by increasing your metabolic rate and helping your body burn calories more efficiently during exercise.
Drinking enough water also helps keep hunger at bay so that you don’t feel hungry all the time or eat more food than necessary.

Lubricate Joint
Water lubricates joints as it moves throughout the body and helps them move smoothly without pain or discomfort. Drinking enough water keeps joints lubricated so they don’t get stiff or painful over time, which can lead to joint damage if left untreated.
Your joints need lubrication to move smoothly, but if they become dry, they start to ache and hurt when we move them around. Water helps moisturize joints, so they don’t hurt when we move them around or exercise regularly. If you’re experiencing joint pain or stiffness due to arthritis or osteoporosis, drinking 2-4 cups of warm lemon water each morning may help relieve some discomfort!

Body Temperature Regulation
Fight off the heat by drinking water, especially during hot weather. When you are dehydrated, your body temperature rises, and you become more susceptible to heat-related illnesses like heat stroke.

Help to Prevent Kidney Stone
If you have kidney stones, then it’s important to drink lots of water because it helps flush out excess minerals and chemicals that may cause stones to form in the first place. This is especially true for people with polycystic kidney disease or chronic urinary tract inflammation, which both increase your risk of developing kidney stones.
The best way to avoid this condition is by drinking plenty of fluids, including water, juice, and milk. Drinking these liquids helps flush out your system and reduces the amount of calcium in your urine. If you are at risk for kidney stones, speak with your doctor about a specific diet plan they recommend.

Dehydration causes toxins such as uric acid to build up in the bloodstream, which can cause high blood pressure and an increased risk of heart problems. Drinking lots of water helps flush these toxins out of your system and restores balance to your body’s natural pH levels.
When you drink enough water, your kidneys excrete toxins through urine and sweat. In addition, you will feel lightheaded after drinking water which made you feel fresher and energized simultaneously.

Keeps Heart Healthy
Drinking enough water can help reduce the risk of heart attacks because it reduces pressure on your blood vessels that supply blood to the heart muscle cells. Drinking water also reduces the risk of stroke by controlling blood pressure and preventing clots from forming in blood vessels.
It can cause strokes or blockages in blood flow to your brain. Drinking water helps keep your heart healthy by reducing risk factors such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels that can lead to heart disease. If you drink enough water throughout the day is a great way to keep your heart healthy!

Maintains healthy blood level
Water helps maintain a healthy life by reducing cholesterol and blood pressure. Water also helps flush out excess sodium that can cause swelling in the legs or arms (called edema) and high blood pressure.
Drinking water can help keep an optimal level of sodium in your bloodstream while preventing excess fluid retention (edema). This helps prevent dangerous upper body swelling, which can be life-threatening if not treated immediately.
How Much Water Do You Need?
The amount of water a person needs to stay hydrated can vary depending on several factors, including age, sex, weight, and level of physical activity. It is recommended that adults drink at least 3.7l to 5l of water per day to maintain proper hydration. This can be increased based on your individual needs and circumstances.
WaterMinder is a hydration-tracking app that helps you stay hydrated by tracking your water intake and reminding you to drink water throughout the day. You can set hydration goals based on your needs and track your progress.
The app also includes customizable reminders, tracking beverages besides water, and integrates with Apple Health. WaterMinder is available for download on the App Store and Google Play.
Tips for staying hydrated
Staying hydrated is important for maintaining good health and optimal physical and cognitive function. You can do many simple things to get enough fluids throughout the day. Aim to drink at least 8-8 ounces of water daily, and more if you are exercising or in a hot environment.
Always keep a water bottle with you to make it easier to remember to drink water. Many foods, such as fruits and vegetables, contain a high water content and can help you stay hydrated. Alcohol and caffeine are diuretics, which can increase urine production and lead to dehydration.
Try to limit your intake of these beverages or drink water alongside them to help offset their diuretic effects. Heat and humidity can increase your body’s need for fluids, so drink extra water when the weather is hot or humid. Pay attention to your thirst signals, and drink water whenever you feel thirsty. Dry mouth, fatigue, and headache are all common signs of dehydration.
Hydration: the best you can do for your overall health
Proper hydration is essential for maintaining good overall health. Water plays a vital role in many bodily functions, including regulating body temperature, aiding digestion, and carrying nutrients to cells. Dehydration can lead to several health problems, including fatigue, dizziness, and muscle cramps.
Drinking enough water daily and paying attention to your body’s thirst signals are important. You can do many simple things to stay hydrated, such as carrying a water bottle, eating water-rich foods, and avoiding diuretics like alcohol and caffeine. By making a conscious effort to stay hydrated, you can help ensure that your body is functioning at its best.